Vacuum Desoldering Iron

Vacuum Desoldering Iron

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Vacuum Desoldering Iron
Vacuum Desoldering Iron

Vacuum Desoldering Iron

Model Number: 2053
Desoldering Iron With Pump,
Desoldering Iron With Vacuum Pump,
Desoldering Iron 40w With A Built-in Vacuum Pump,
Electric Desoldering Iron,
Soldering Iron For Desoldering,
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  • Description
  • Customer Reviews (0)

This 40-Watt desoldering iron effortlessly removes solder. Simply position the tip on the solder you want to remove, melt the solder, and press the button. It's easy to clean and user-friendly, offering an excellent low-cost method for desoldering through-hole components.

  • Easy to use
  • Comfortable handle
  • High quality
  • 110Volt AC input
  • 40 Watt

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